Our Team


Content Strategist

Devane anzih

Digital Marketing Manager

Fadrin Green

Owner & Lead Reviewer


Customer Engagement Specialist


Technical Advisor

Winston: He improved his skills at Harvard, focusing on story psychology and online media. He’s known for making tough ideas easy and interesting for all kinds of people.

Team memeber

Devane anzih​: She is really good at digital marketing. She’s getting even better at Hypervsn by learning a lot about SEO, social media, and how to understand data. She uses her skills to help TireGreen stand out online with new and effective ideas. 

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Fadrin Green: Fadrin, who studied at MIT, is really good at understanding everything about tires. He knows how to mix his tech skills with his knowledge of tires to come up with smart ideas. Besides being great at his tire-related work, showing his care for both his industry and the environment.


Thane: Thane, our Customer Engagement Specialist, has a degree in Communication Studies from the University of Texas. He knows a lot about connecting with people online. Thane loves to make strong connections with our customers and has many years of experience in making customer service better. 


Hetmyer: He graduated from Stanford University and is really good at machine learning and data science. He works as a technical advisor and has made a big impact in the technology world, especially with new smart technology. He is not just smart and successful in his career but also works hard to create new and better technology.
